Sunday, January 29, 2012

Buried Treasure is Everywhere

So a quick reasoning behind the name The D.I.Y Pirate. One thing I've learned as a do it yourself-er who doesn't have the funds to be out buying supplies every other day is- who have to be resourceful. Sometimes projects turn out better if you just start with an idea, see what you scavenge up, and then from there decide what it is you can create. Every crafter has that box of stuff of things couldn't bear to part with because the potential was there. That saying one mans trash is another mans treasure is becoming the latest fad. They have shows on HGTV dedicated to people who pick threw garbage and build a bedframe with what they find. I don't recommend picking through your neighbors trash can, but the idea is there. Scavenging. Pillaging. Looking for treasure. Its become a way of life :D  Arrrrrrggghhhh

I'm lucky enough to live in an older home in the country, and when we moved in three years ago the garage was full of the prior owners stuff. There was old windows and tons of wood, crazy furniture from the 70s and crates and planters galore. 

So think back to my first post I mentioned  the call to my MIL that led to a bench in my yard. Well, this was my first big building project at my new house, and the idea was in the area just outside my screened in deck was a gravel area, with no use, no purpose and an ugly L-shaped retaining wall. Behind the wall was the beginning of my pretty yard, but I couldn't get past the cement wall and the empty boring space to enjoy the yard itself. So things needed to change. FAST. With a garage full of wood. $30. And a quicky call to my mother in law, the adventure began. 

I don't have any picture of the before because the space was so yucky I didn't want to ever remember it. SOoooo using trusty paint I made a concept drawing of what I wanted it to look like.

I know impressive right! Well using my sweet paint skills I was able to get the concept of how big I wanted everything to be. Mind you the plants where and still are terribly unruly. The prior owner was a friend of the family and when she passed away the house was put up for sale. Before she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer she was an amazing gardener. She has things planted EVERYWHERE and my limited knowledge of what is a weed an what is a flower has prevented me from doing more than mild pruning and pulling up dandelions. The big planting year will be this upcoming summer ( stay tuned ). Okay back to the bench.  So I knew I wanted an L bench, so that I could build a fire pit and have a great hang out spot. 

Here's where the treasure hunting begins. My MIL opened up my garage, and let me add it is a 2 car wide 2 deep pole barn type garage. So its big. Way in the back is the 2x4s that were left behind so we went back to collect. In order to get to them we had to move these giant pane less windows like things, that looked a little worst for wear and they didn't match. Instead of moving them aside the idea hit us.  These could be backs to the benches. TADA! We struck gold. They were the epitome of shabby chic. Lovely and old world, and even better- free!!!!  Since we've built the bench I've seen similar things at garage sales, and flea markets all the time. People usually pass them up because they no longer serve the purpose they were built for. But in the crafter's world the uses are endless.

So here is the final product. It was the perfect mix of old country and shabby chic. We edited the design because my husband's uncle came and between him and my MIL they were able to make it even more detailed allowing for a corner planter to stay where it was. So with some scrap wood, three old wooden window like things, and $20ish to buy some extra wood I had a brand new space to relax and make memories in. 

Inspiration is everywhere 


  1. Welcome to Blogland, Amanda!!! Your bench is wonderful!

  2. cute banner and Welcome to the world of blogging. I look forward to your post. Have fun!!
